Thursday, May 9, 2024

甲辰年教职员挥春比赛 推广书法,传承文化02





kali ketiga menyertai Fai  Chun
Cikgu Selle(不谙华语组优秀奖得奖者之一)

        Sejak memasuki Hin Hua, saya telah bersentuhan dengan Fai Chun yang saya rasa sangat menarik. Saya mula menyertai pertandingan Fai Chun sekolah pada tahun 2022. Tahun ini merupakan kali ketiga saya menyertai pertandingan ini. Saya mengambil bahagian dalam pertandingan ini adalah untuk mencuba dan mengenali seni budaya dalam bentuk kaum Cina. Saya berasa gembira kerana dapat mempelajari kemahiran baru semasa pertandingan. Pertandingan Fai Chun juga dapat memeriahkan suasana di sekolah.

A wonderful cross-cultural experience
Ms. Gladys Symons(不谙华语组优秀奖得奖者之一)

        I am thinking of participating in this competition because I want to learn how to write proper calligraphy so that I can embrace Chinese’s culture. I think Fai Chun has unique features that I could learn which is not as easy as it performs to the audience. The difficulties that I encountered during the Fai Chun celebration is to ensure the strokes are accurate and to maintain the same stroke pattern repetitively. I think this competition is amazing to continue the tradition and it could engage the participants across cultures. 


A great opportunity to improve calligraphy skills
Ms. Menaka(不谙华语组特优奖得奖者之一)

        I've always had a deep appreciation for the elegance and beauty of Chinese calligraphy, and I've always admired the skill and dedication required to master this art form. Participating in this competition provided me with a platform to showcase my passion for calligraphy. Additionally, it is an opportunity to challenge myself and to continuously strive for improvement in my calligraphy skills. Winning the competition filled me with a sense of accomplishment and pride. I see it as a moment of personal achievement and served as a reminder of the progress I had made. Overall, it was a very rewarding experience.
        One memorable experience during the competition was the sense of camaraderie among the participants, organizers and the guests because there was mutual respect and appreciation for each other's work. I fondly remember the moments of shared enthusiasm and encouragement as we observed each other's work, exchanging laughter, insights and techniques.


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