Wednesday, June 12, 2024



1) 学校面向港口大道,属高速公路,请勿双线停车。

2) 提早出门,最理想到校时间为6.50am或之前。

3) 依学校发布的《兴华中学上学、放学交通路线说明图》依序行驶。学校正门前的内道Jalan Kelapa在


4) Jalan Kelapa摆放三角椎的路段,请勿停车。

5) 雨天车辆请勿驶入校园,以确保校园内行人的安全;请同学自备雨具,在遮雨走廊区域上下车。

6) 请同学出门前整理好自身服装仪容,到校前在车上备好随身物品,车子进入遮雨走廊区域即可下车。

7) 若非特殊情况,请勿将书包、书袋、水瓶等摆放在后车箱,应随身备好,快速下车,以免造成交通堵塞。



To all parents and students,

Road Traffic Safety around the Campus

        Hin Hua High School is located along the highway leading to Port Klang. There are 7 schools in this area comprising nearly 7000 students.  In the past few years, the school has engaged RELA service during peak hours to ensure the safety of all road users.  However, in order to ease the traffic and to ensure road safety, it is hoped that all parents and students adopt the following precautions:

1. Do not double park along the highway.

2. It is advisable to leave home early in order to reach the school by 6.50am when the traffic is less congested.

3. Follow the route set by the school (see attachment).  Jalan Kelapa, the inner road in front of the main gate, is a one-way road from 6.15am to 7.30am and from 2.30pm to 4.00pm.

4. Do not park at Jalan Kelapa where traffic cones are placed.

5. For safety reasons, do not drive into the campus when it rains. Students may enter or leave the campus via the covered walkway with an umbrella or raincoat.

6. Students are advised to get ready with your attire and personal belongings before arriving.  Get off as soon as your vehicle reaches the covered walkway.

7. Unless necessary, avoid putting your school bags in the car boot to reduce traffic congestion.

It is the responsibility of all road users to stay safe.


Principal's Office


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