Friday, May 31, 2024

POWERHOUSE Come and charge, free of charge!


        The English Language Centre has recently revamped its in-school free tuition programme and rebranded it as ELC Powerhouse, inviting students to ‘come and charge, free of charge’. This FoC initiative aims to empower and energise students in their English language acquisition by offering self-paced learning plans so that students have autonomy over their learning progress.

        Participants can look to improve their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills through weekly bite-sized language tasks that would not take up much time from their busy schedules, and yet still be able to learn incrementally by the week. 

        The teaching team consists of Ms Teepaa who instructs and mentors Group 1 (set to begin late January), as well as Ms Ke Li and Mr Evan who are in charge of  Group 2A and 2B (set to begin in March after the school holiday). Materials provided would cater to various needs and learning styles, for example, online work for those who are more tech savvy, reading tasks for those who enjoy a good book, and more.

        Ever since the announcement of the Powerhouse programme was made in the January school assembly, queries have been pouring in through emails and personal visits to the ELC showing ardent interest among the students. Here are some updates from the tutors:

Ms Teepaa:
    There’re close to 40 students in Group 1, and the first assignment has been given in Google Classroom (GC), with the first meetup session tentatively scheduled to take place on the 5th of February. Some students have started uploading their work to GC. After 3-5 weeks, we will be able to tell if students need an easier task to do or if they need something more challenging.

Mr Evan:
        The response has been great so far! As of mid March, around 120 students have enrolled in the programme. Within this group, almost half of these students are from either Junior 2 or Junior 3 level while the other half are made up of Senior 1, 2 and 3 students. There seems to be an equal amount of interest in the Powerhouse programme regardless of age and level, which suggests we have a diverse range of students who are interested in improving their English. 

        Personally, I think ELC Powerhouse is off to a great start! With strong student interest, ELC Powerhouse already has one less concern to worry about — student involvement. However, what comes next would be the execution of the programme, which will serve to demonstrate whether it is truly an effective programme in helping these students improve their command of the English language. I look forward to seeing how this programme progresses over the remainder of 2024 and will do my best to guide it in the best possible direction.

Ms Ke Li:
        I firmly believe that one of the primary advantages of the ELC Powerhouse programme lies in its flexibility. Students are empowered with the freedom to engage with the learning materials at their own pace, a feature particularly advantageous for those facing difficulties attending physical classes regularly after school hours. Reflecting on my past experience teaching a physical Junior Tuition Class with poor attendance, I perceive this self-paced approach as a promising solution to such challenges. Furthermore, the provision for students to seek clarification during meetup sessions presents a valuable opportunity for personalized support, ensuring that no student is left behind.

        Personally, I think the ELC Powerhouse programme is centered on student engagement and improvement. I anticipate witnessing students actively participating in weekly tasks and demonstrating a dedicated commitment to enhancing their English proficiency.


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