Friday, May 31, 2024

ELC Reading Club#14 The Girl Who Drank the Moon ‘A mesmerising journey through an enchanted world of magic’ 01

        On 15th March 2024, the English Language Centre of Hin Hua High School held its first Reading Club of 2024 online via Zoom. The session was chaired by four students from S2 Ottawa - Khaw Hui Wen, Pang Chee Xuan, Teah Rui Harn, and Lim Zhi Yhi. Together, they guided the discussion based on the esteemed fantasy fiction The Girl Who Drank the Moon, a novel that earned the prestigious 2017 Newbery Medal, the highest U.S. award in the world of children's literature. This event was made possible through the generous sponsorship of the Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Lay & Puan Sri Tan Kai Yong Aided ELC Teachers & Students Training Charitable Fund.

        Authored by Kelly Barnhill, The Girl Who Drank the Moon unfolds in the village of Protectorate, shrouded in superstition and fear, where the lives of young Luna and the compassionate witch Xan intertwine. Their journey is rife with challenges and encounters with mythical beings, culminating in a confrontation with the darkness plaguing their community.

        After a short briefing by Miss Shyne, the session commenced with an introduction to the book led by the four chairs. They provided insights into the author, plot and characters. Throughout the entire session, the participants were encouraged to share their opinions and interpretations of the book by speaking up and typing their responses in the chat box.

        The Reading Club drew a total of 220 participants, marking a new milestone as the highest turnout to date. The participants were primarily from the classes of Miss Wendy and Miss Jane, eager to delve into the intricacies of the book. The interactive exchange of ideas during the session was delightful to see, with participants enthusiastically sharing their thoughts on various aspects of the story. Engaging discussions centred not only on the plot and characters but also on the underlying moral values woven throughout the narrative. Participants were particularly intrigued by the thought-provoking phrases and quotes they encountered in the book, sparking lively conversations and enriching the overall experience. It was evident that everyone present was deeply immersed in exploring the layers of meaning within the story, fostering a vibrant atmosphere of intellectual curiosity and camaraderie.

        The four chairs ended the session by sharing their experiences and thoughts on chairing the reading club. They expressed that not only they got to improve their English, they also got to brush up their presentation skills via chairing the reading club.


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